Saturday, December 5, 2009

Late 30's date who had strong, musky body odor?

I'm dating a really nice man with really bad BO. I hadn't noticed it right away, but is has been an issue 3x now on dates. Unfortunately, I told him on early dates that he smelled nice (cologne), cause on THOSE days, the BO wasn't bad, just kind of musky/sweaty. I don't know if he doesn't wear an antipersperant or deodorant or maybe it is that he doesn't shower enough, but its getting to the point of not mattering anymore cause it is gross and I'm embarrassed thinkning about introducing him to anyone. How do I get the message across easily, nicely, with the least amount of embarassment?

PS: I am going to his home and will check out his bathroom tonight to see what, if anything he uses!

Late 30's date who had strong, musky body odor?comedy club

You could buy a men's bathroom kit that contains soap, shampoo, shaving cream, cologne, etc..; I dated a girl who bought me a men's bathroom kit and she said she liked the way it smelled, I used it because she liked it. If that doesn't work, tell him he stinks and needs to exhibit better hygiene.

Late 30's date who had strong, musky body odor?sheet music opera theater

Tough one. I would say maybe sit him down and do it nicely, but FIRMLY AND DIRECTLY! Kind of a "I like you a lot, BUT..." Maybe he's not aware. Maybe there is a medical issue. Maybe this is something that can yet be corrected. Good luck.
ew... i'm not very good with these kind of things, i usually just come right out and say it but do it privately.

if you choose this route, make sure it's not his natural odor. because i watched inside edition once and they had people who smelled like fish and rubber, because it was just their natural smell. you don't want to make him feel worse if that's the case.

Otherwise, you could always show up to your all your dates with a clothes pin on your nose, but he might get suspicious after a while.
It may not be him. It could be his clothes. Maybe he's not doing laundry often enough.

I would politely (if you can) ask him if he showers every day. If his answer is yes, then you have to find a way to let him know about this little problem.

I feel for you because of the delicate nature of this situation. But I admit, it would be a huge turn off for alot of people. He deserves to know the truth. Now I hope he can hadle it and take appropriate actions to correct the issue.
buy him a basket of hygene products and give him a bath , gross
Body odor can be eliminated through a change in diet.

Foods that make you stink

Let's take a closer look at the causes of body odor. What foods really cause body odor in the first place?

Red meat is the number one cause of body odor. Red meat causes stagnation in the body; it putrefies in the digestive tract and releases all sorts of toxins into the bloodstream through the large intestine. I've noticed that people who consume a large quantity of red meat on a regular basis tend to have much stronger body odor than those who avoid it. Some people tell me just the opposite -- they say it's vegetarians who stink because they run around wearing no deodorant whatsoever. But my experience is that if a vegetarian stinks, they aren't following a healthy diet even though they are avoiding meat. (You can be vegetarian and extremely unhealthy if you consume a lot of processed foods.) Overall, though, if you find a healthful vegetarian and put them side by side with a heavy meat eater in a sniff test, I'm confident your nose will lead you to the conclusion that the meat eater is the most offensive of the two. It's weird science, yes, but we are talking about a strange subject to begin with.

As far as other foods that cause body odor, manufactured foods -- those lacking fiber and made with refined white flour, added sugars, hydrogenated oils and other processed ingredients -- are the big culprits. When you eliminate these from your diet and shift to a 100% healthful diet made of whole grains, massive quantities of leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, soy products, supergreens, lots of sprouts, raw nuts and seeds, healthy oils and other similar healthful ingredients, your body odor will all but disappear in a matter of weeks.

That's because a plant-based diet is an internal deodorizer. It's true: the chlorophyll and other phytonutrients will cleanse you from the inside out. Some of the best foods for that include parsley, cilantro, celery and all mint species. The aromatic herbs are also excellent: sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano, and so on.

As a sidebar to the body odor discussion, all the things that come out of your body are strong indicators of your current level of health, as well as what adjustments you need to make in order to be healthier. It's interesting to note that for hundreds of years, physicians actually tasted the urine of their patients and were able to make medical diagnoses by taste analysis alone. As bizarre as this sounds, it actually makes good sense. The human tongue is perhaps the finest natural chemical composition sensor known to modern medicine. (Dogs' noses are also good at this. Dogs have actually been trained to sniff out bladder cancer by smelling the urine of humans. Just search Google for articles on "bladder cancer dogs sniff" and you'll find lots of references to this fact.)

After tasting the urine, skilled physicians were able to offer astoundingly precise medical diagnoses. The problem, of course, is that doctors also tended to become ill from tasting their patients' urine, and so this practice fell into disfavor long ago.

By the way, just to be clear here, I'm not at all suggesting that you should be tasting your own urine. But it's very easy to smell your own armpits and get a sense of what's going on. Try going 24 hours with no deodorant. If you can't stand the smell from the outside, just imagine what your body smells like on the inside! Maybe it's time for some plants in your diet, ya think?
Just tell him he stinks! He might be a little embarrassed, but My husband always tells me men like it when you're blunt, so maybe this is the time to be blunt! Also, I know before I married my hubby he used to stink a lot! He didn't always have clean clothes so he wore dirty shirts and oh man did those stink! Maybe he just needs a lesson about doing laundry!
Why don't you buy him some cologne for his birthday or something, and tell him that this scent will smell lovely on him.

Or you could just ask him straight up. It is not good to build a relationship off of lies. Honesty is the way to go. If he gets too offended and gets mad just leave him. You don't need a man who is that touchy.

Sorry if I wasn't much help.
Wow. You're a better person than me because I would have written him off the first time I got a whiff! And I don't mean like if he is a laborer or something and just got off of work, but if he is picking you up for a date and he smells, you've got a problem!
Girrrrrl! I don't know! perhaps you could say"ooh my (lifting your own arm)for a minute there i thought i had forgot deoderant!) maybe that will put him on edge to excuse himself and see if he's zest fully clean.And i am with you check out that bathroom,look behind the shower curtain.I swear if there is one sliver of soap stuck to the floor on its last bubble,you must address this now.He may be clueless and maybe you could offer to cook something since your visiting and if the cabinets look like they need a little tlc you could play it off and score a gallon of milk,a few easy bake items and it gives you the chance to throw in some dawn,clorox ,deoderant body soap and if you really like him grab the AXE shower gel and spray from wal -mart (really cheap)smells great!He will love the motherly love and not realize what you really did.Let us know what happened, smell ya lata!
you should probably just tell him really nicely cos if you dont he will probably be just as embarassed as you when somebody not as close mentions it ! ! or take him shopping with you and say "do you need any deodrant ".. just on the general .. you know - so he doesnt suspect you think he smells .. try mitchum ! its really good
musky men are usally more manly men. so can be direct and stright forward with him. Get him some of his favorite deodorant, sum body spray and tell him, "you're boarderline stinky, so watch it"

then bring out a boombox "press play" and give him a lap dance.

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