Thursday, December 10, 2009

MY GIRLFRIEND'S PERIOD is 11 days late...what chance of being preg? WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE!!!!?

About 6 weeks ago she took morning after pill and then got her period, but now the next one is 11 days late. (could the pill have messed her cycle?) she's allergic to condoms so we dont usually use them (they give her hectic rash) but I have not *** inside her since. WHAT % IS SHE PREG AND WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE!!!!!!!!!!

MY GIRLFRIEND'S PERIOD is 11 days late...what chance of being preg? WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE!!!!?paramount theater

Eleven days is a long time, tell her to take a test. Use the first urine of the day, it has the most beta-hcg which is the hormone that sustains pregnancy and makes the pregnancy test positive.

If she isn't pregnant. It could be worrying (stress), or change in diet/exercise. Best of luck to both of you.

MY GIRLFRIEND'S PERIOD is 11 days late...what chance of being preg? WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE!!!!?theatre opera theater

ugh.. good luck...
11 days late?!? mate, i think she must be pregnant. if you told me it was about 3 days late then it could have been a late period...but 11...i take it she is pregnant. but you can't just take it from me. she needs to buy a pregnancy test and make sure. hope everything works out for the best!
85 percent she is or shes just carring on to the next month. Tell to check ASAP
Periods can shift from month to it might come later. But at this point...that chance is slowly dwindling. Have you ever considered plastic condoms instead of your traditional laytex? Have her do a pregnancy test, and you'll see what the outcome is. And next time around.....try something else like a diaphragm..condoms aren't the only way to go.
My suggestion is that she take a home pregnancy test then go to the doctor and do a blood test to confirm the results. I know stress will make a woman's period take longer to come and waiting and wondering isn't going to make it any better. Good luck
can be that, or change in diet weather or anything else screws up my whole cycle, or any other womans, so mabye that, has she changed anything at all? check with her
First to ease your mind I'd do a home pregnancy test. If this is negative then she can check with her doctor. Several things can make a woman late...stress, changes in weight, exercise, medications, etc. Also, if a woman is on birth control it can mess up their cycle as I have known women to get pregnant, have a cycle more than once a month, etc. Like I said take a test to ease your mind and then she needs to see her doctor.
well 2 me it looks like she has a baby on the way b cause her period is way 2 late but go 2 the sote and buy a test 2 really find out and ifs shes not then she need 2 go 2 the doctor. but sumtimes girls period do change up on them @ any time but that is just 2 long and late so she just might have a baby on the way but good luck anyways
there is a good chance that the pills messed up her cycle and many things can effect her cycle. If you are discussing the possiblity of her being pregnant though there is a high chance she is. SHe knows her body and can probably tell somethings up. FInd a Planned Parenthood to give you a free pregnancy test. it doesn't hurt and the sooner you find out the better for everyone.
If she has normal regular periods and is 11 days late, sounds like she's pregnant. Practicing coitus interruptus is not much of a means of birth control. The morning after pill does throw a wrench into the problem and it may still have some influence on the female hormonal balance. Another thing to consider she one of the 15 % or so that fails the "morning after" pill and the peroid she thought she had was just spotting with pregnancy which occurs rather commonly. A ten buck preg test from the local drug store will tell you with almost 100% accuracy.
it could be nothing. my girlfriend once was 17 days late and she finally had it..GOD that was a reliefe!! lol
my best wishes to you %26amp; ur gf. you could be a daddy very soon! cheers!
The medicine she's on now may mess the cycle a little... if she's working, maybe she feel pressure about her work and also may cause the delay. not to worry... also comfort her not to worry and give her peace of mind... if up til 2mths and still not here... tink u shld be prepared for the worst... buy pregnancy test kit...

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