I'm late on my period, but other than that, i don't have the other signs of being pregnant: sore breast, spotting, vomiting, darker nipples, etc...
I've also just gotten off the pill. That might change irregularity to my system.
Could it be something else?
What can cause my period to be late?palace theatre
It could be a couple different things! I had unprotected sex and was 10 days late due to stressing so much about it. Are you under any stress? Getting off the pill can also mess with your cycle. If you're really worried about being pregnant, you might want to take a test just to be sure. :) Good luck to you!
What can cause my period to be late?concert tickets opera theater
Stress, significant changes in weight. It could also be due to getting off the pill.
From what little you have typed, you really have not ruled out being pregnant if anything you made it most likely the only reason being that you said yourself you recently came off the pill. If this is of major concern talk to your physician o OB GYN about this. It does not hurt to test yourself just to be sure. As far as if you are truly pregnant I cannot say because you did not list how "late" you were, if you were only a couple days late that is not a big deal because sometimes when we have had our periods for awhile the cycle may shift a bit it is nothing to be alarmed about. On the other hand if it is a major difference in late timing, I would not rule out pregnancy and check just to be sure. I am not sexually active so I personally would not have this issue but since you are please remember to use protection which is not just the pill that means the guy is putting on his condom also as well unless you are married to the guy and seek to have his kids...
its called an irregualr period
its normal its mostly due from stress and stuff like that my doctor told me
it would normally be called an irregular period. This can Happeren to stress or maybe something like that. but you can always see a doctor if you are really unsure
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