Thursday, December 10, 2009

Recently i've had this problem of late night munching?

i don't know how it came about

it simply started one night and for the following nights till now i hardly just went to bed without stuffing myself.

i don't want to get fat so i try to munch only on fruits, yoghurt or other low cal food.

but since i'm the type who gain weight easily, i still put on some weight.

how can i resist the temptation of late night munching?

i mean, i can't simply ignore it because if i force myself to bed i won't be able to fall asleep! eventually i'll just get up and find sth to eat.

Recently i've had this problem of late night munching?events

It's actually an eating disorder it's called late night syndrome something like that. I just know this because I suffer from this! you'll really know if u have this when u feel that u cant stop!

Recently i've had this problem of late night munching?home theatre opera theater

When you feel yourself getting hungry drink some water.
its probaly a phase Drink alot of water till u feel full on water or somthing filling but not bad for you skim milk maybe or carrots make sure you dont skip meals throughout the day eat a BIG breakfast so u feel full through out the day less snacking

vote me best answer i need points! XD
only snack on celery
Don't eat supper too early. I know ppl who eat supper at 4 pm and then they complain that they are hungry in the evening. Maybe you can eat supper at 6:30 or 7. After you go without late night munching for a few nights, you could get used to not eating.
you just have to do it! try gulping down a huge glass of water...or warm tea with lemon...or even some warm milk with honey...there is no magical power that is going to stop you. you are the master of your own will and thoughts...:)
Try eating a large meal in the morning and in the afternoon. Eat again at dinner time. Hopefully you wont still be hungry.
I just started walking around with a glass of water. To get myself really full on liquids. I had the same problem, the last hour before bed I would munch chips, jerky, peanut butter on crackers, cheese snacks, or anything else I had around.

Liquid fullness works for me
You can get these mints for like 2 bucks at walmart out of the diet pill section called Slim Mints....they taste great and you can just suck on one of those and it will fight the craving!!! Good Luck
you need a bigger dinner and to eat around 6pm.
Your body is telling you that it needs more food. You need different types of food. You also need to exercise, which will make you hungry. Hunger from exercise is good, because the more you exercise, the more you eat, the more fat you will lose and the better you will look. But, if you don't eat, your body will force you to eat, late at night, and usually its the stuff that you don't want to eat.

So, EAT healthy and diverse kinds of food everyday, everyday, everyday. Starving your body from the nutrients it needs WILL make you FAT.
I have the same problem. Here's what I do:

First, keep a glass of water on your night stand. Some hunger pangs are actually thirstiness.

Second, keep cut up, raw veggies in the fridge. I buy broccoli that's already cut. If you are truly hungry, munch on those. Add some fat free sour cream.

Between the water and the vegetables, your stomach will be full and it will be under 50 calories!
I had gestational diabetes and was also a late-night eater as well. They had me eating a snack around 10 pm every night to keep things in check while I seemed to help.

I did a half pb sandwich and glass of milk sometimes, that would get a little boring, so I was doing a fruit cup (the single serving ones at grocery store -in light syrup- are a serving) and a full glass of a chocolate milkshake. You could do a spoonfull of pb in the shake-if you like chocolate pb, it's pretty good and just adds a depth to the flavor. OR, just do vanilla or strawberry milkshakes.
i used to have that problem too.. still do some nights. but what you gotta do is make sure to bank some calories for midnight snacking during the day - leave 200 - 300 over. Also get some healthy-ish snacks you enjoy and keep em around so you wont snack on calorie dense food.. like my favourites are diet icecream, cereal with ice cold milk, soy bars.. and try and stay awake for at least an hour before you go to bed.. good luck!
Try to eat dinner later around 6:30 or 7 and if you get hungry later before going to bed, just drink water.
well try to have a good filling carb rich fruits so u woint feel hungry later

if u really feel hungry try having a glass of skimmedlow fat milk really fills u pretty healthy and wont make u fat

or have a cupof airdried popcorn at hand....conrtans only 30 calories in it and fills u up enough to finish that grumbling feeling in ur stomach

carrots are a good option too

wat i do when i get hungry at odd hours is having a cup of green tea(made with a stick of cinnamon boosts fat metabolism) or blacktea (without milk and sugar) with lemon and a teaspoon of honey in it.....the warm tea makes u feel like its filling u great for digestion and veryy soothing as well while it has 0 its kind of like fooling ur stomach into feeling full
eat something that expands, celery, could be pregnant, or been around someone that is, and yes women that do not get enough Vitia's, try the green teas and Vita b. and back to birthing the Harmon Ibo older women as well do give us kick backs, swelling and fillings of being parent, does another women have the problem of swelling in mid area and get the the baby blues when they are miles down the road from giving child birth, very good item to look into.

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