I'm 37 weeks pregnant and I feel like Im having menstral cramps/lower back pain and I have had diarrhea for the past few days. Is this normal? I know that diarrhea can be a sign that your body is getting ready for labor. Anyone know how long it will be? (I haven't passed my mucous plug as far as I know -- can you go into labor without this happening?)
Late Pregnancy and diarrhea?palace theatre
yes, you can go into labor without losing your mucus plug, if the pain in becoming more intense and laster longer at a time, than its the real deal, unfortunately you wont know unless you wait it out, and if it becoming more intense, try using this website to calculate your contractions....its great!!!!
Late Pregnancy and diarrhea?concert tickets opera theater
omg I feel so sorry for you. I know exactly how you feel. When I was pregnant the last month or two was hell. I asked my doctor what I could do and they said nothing really. Nothing was wrong with me. It sucked so bad. As long as you aren't getting dehydrated. Ask if some immodium is ok to take or pepto bismol. I had this and I wasn't really near delivery. I don't know if it has anything to do with labor or not. Ask your doctor any questions you have. They could tell you better than anyone on here. Congrats and good luck
I felt that way the last 4 weeks I was pregnant. Remember to keep the fluids up, especially having the diarrhea. You can be in labor without losing the mucous plug also. Just rest and lay on the left side, drink lots of water. My doctor said it was normal for me.
Thats normal... your body is preparing for labor. Congratulations! It can take some time but I'm gonna say two weeks tops. Probably much sooner.
Hope you feel better soon.
sounds like ur in early labor and my friend that just had her baby passed her plug and never even knew it just listen to your body and try to rest as much as you can soon you will have a little one in your arms congrats!
When I had my first baby, I had exactly the same thing. It's your body getting ready. But it doesn't mean you're going into labour. I think this lasted just over a week with me, but everyone's different. I also went into labour without having a show and my waters didn't break. But then, labour only lasted 5 hours with absolutely no complications, so I can't complain!
Best of luck, and if you're concerned, contact your midwife or maternity unit.
You are in the early stages of labor right now. Time those 'cramps and lower back pain' then call your ob and tell them what is happening and how close those 'cramps' are. Chances are that your ob will want you to go in and get checked out. Good luck and congrats!
l had this same symptoms one week before l gave birth,l think labor is near,be patience it will soon be over.CONGRATULATION in advice,l wish you good luck
Yes, you can still go into labor with out this passing! Its sound like your body is preparing its self for labor, right before you give birth( up to 1-2 days) your body will try to rid its self of all bowl movement, so when your are delivering, (nothing else comes out) except your baby and whatever follows after. the cramps you are having (cramps) sound like Early labor pains ( from experience!) I would call your Doctor right away and even page him (seriously) and explain to him the pain your experiencing and the diarrhea also. Congratulations and Good Luck!!!!
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